Lee Taylor and teammate George Evans made a clean sweep at the 1911 Springfield, Ohio Labor Day meet winning every event they entered. Emblem cataloged these machines as “semi racers” because they were basically stock motors which were tuned and fitted to short coupled racing frames. Taylor was killed as a result of injuries he received while racing on July 4th 1916 after colliding with Merkel factory racer Maldwyn Jones. Photo is courtesy of "The American Motorcycle" by Stephen Wright, Vol 1.
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Lee Taylor and teammate George Evans made a clean sweep at the 1911 Springfield, Ohio Labor Day meet winning every event they entered. Emblem cataloged these machines as “semi racers” because they were basically stock motors which were tuned and fitted to short coupled racing frames. Taylor was killed as a result of injuries he received while racing on July 4th 1916 after colliding with Merkel factory racer Maldwyn Jones. Photo is courtesy of "The American Motorcycle" by Stephen Wright, Vol 1.
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